Our Fees Are Sensible
Because we operate a lean model only employing the experts we need to unlock digital growth, our fees reflect this. Not only is it an affordable model for you, it also ensures that the expert Directioneer assigned to you gets the majority of the fee you pay. This means a fair deal for you and a fair deal for the Directioneer.
Why Do We Believe Some Fees Are Unfair?
We believe some agencies don't offer a fair deal for all, here's why
Long Expensive Retainers
We don't ask for 12 month retainers at £3,000 a month. There's not enough trust at day 1 to expect you to sign off £36,000 costs.
Blended Rates for Mixed Experience
We don't charge an average rate regardless of who works on your account. We believe you should know you're paying for and getting expert help, not execs/interns running your account.
Paying Only for the Service You Need
We don't add on 20% for Project Management and Client Services fees. We don't think they are needed and trust our Directioneers to accurately communicate channel plans and activities.
Fees FAQs
1 / Do I have to pay for a set number of days a month?
We'll build a strategy that helps solve your growth problems and calculate how many days a month it will take to meet our objectives. This will be unique to you and your brief. We'll set this number of days for the first 3 months and then review to see if it is still the right amount or if it needs to change either way.
2 / Why doesn't the Directioneer get 100% of the fee?
Whilst the Directioneer is the one that is going to do the majority of the work on your account, that work needs strategised, organised and facilitated by us. The proportion of the fee that doesn't go to the Directioneer is used for strategy, tools, business running costs and investing in finding and hiring more Directioneers.
3 / Why do fees differ between Directioneers?
We respect a Directioneers experience in their channel and sometimes that experience costs more than in other channels. Our Directioneers are freelancers in their own right and get to charge their own fee.
4 / Are fees negotiable?
The fee a Directioneer charges is their fee and it is up to them if that is negotiable. When we know more about your growth problems, we'll be able to tailor your Directioneer and fee that works with your budget and targets.
5 / Are you cheaper than a marketing agency?
That is a tough one! Some agencies we are and some we aren't but rather than judging solely on cost, try to look at the level of knowledge and access you are getting to that knowledge from our offering. The time you pay for is time spent by an experienced Directioneer focussed on your growth, not an exec and not project managers, client services or any other shoulder service you might be paying for in agency fees.
Need Your Own Directioneer?
Fill out some basic information and we'll speak to you about your digital growth goals